Questions? Learn more about being an LOC parent below.


Where is the exact location of the competition?

Go to our Regionals and click on your competition city. The directions link is in the menu on the right and will contain the street address of the venue as well as a link that will give directions to the venue.

How do I know when my son/daughter is dancing?

Your to-the-minute schedule will be available at least one week prior to your competition date. Go to our Regionals and click on your competition city. Click on the schedule link. Remember that you can filter your schedule by studio in order to make finding your child’s performance time easier.

I can't find my son/daughter on the schedule. What do I do?

Make sure you are in the right competition city and that you chose the right studio from the filter. Also make sure to check the second stage if there is one for that city. If you still don’t see your child’s dance, contact your studio director who will contact us with the problem.

Do you accept independent entries? How do I register my child as an independent?

No, we do not accept independent entries. If your dancer wishes to compete at a League of Champions event, your studio director must register him/her.

I noticed a mistake in the schedule. What do I do?

Contact your studio director and tell them to call us at 561-777-7587 or to email us at

When do I need to get to the competition?

Please ask your studio director to find out when he or she wants you to arrive at the competition. Because we tend to run early, we ask that all dancers be ready to dance at least 1 hour prior to their scheduled time. Anyone in the audience hoping to watch a particular dancer should be there one hour ahead of time as well.

What is the cut-off date for the age categories?

All ages, including solos, are calculated as of January 1. We do not round up; simply drop the decimal.

Minis 6 years old and under
Future Champion 7 and 8 years old
Junior 9 - 11 years old
Teen 12 - 14 years old
Senior 15 - 18 years old
19+ 19 years old and above
Where can I find League of Champions’s rules?

Our current rules can be found here.

My family wants to come watch the competition. Is it free to watch?

Yes. All competitions are open to the public.

Is videotaping/taking photographs allowed at the competition?

For the safety of your children and the protection of choreography, absolutely NO videotaping or photography is allowed at the competition. We will have a professional photographer and videographer at all of our events, and by paying the media fee you will have access to all of the professional videos and action photos of your routines.

Where can I find the live stream of the show?

The live video stream from all of our competitions can be found by clicking HERE.


I forgot to order a video or a photograph. Who do I contact?

Go to our photo and video page.

What is The Final Cut?

Information about the Final Cut Team can be found here. To register for the Final Cut team, email with your name, age (as of January 1st), studio name, regional attended, the national you are attending and note that you were selected at a League of Champions regional event.

Where do I go to get more information about the scholarship my child received?

Go to

What's the scoring breakdown for awards?
League of Champions Rising Champions & Recreational
Legendary 297.0 - 300.0 n/a
Epic 293.5 - 296.9 n/a
Platinum 285.0 - 293.4 280.0 - 300.0
High-Gold 278.0 - 284.9 273.0 - 279.9
Gold 264.0 - 277.9 264.0 - 272.9
My son/daughter won a cash award. What do I do now?

Give the cash award form to your studio director to fill out. With the exception of independent entries, ALL CASH AWARDS WILL BE ISSUED TO THE STUDIO.

How do I order a plaque?

Plaques are available to purchase. If you want to order a plaque, email us at with the word PLAQUE in the subject line. Please be sure to include the exact award(s) you wish to purchase and your daytime phone number. We will contact you in order to get credit card information as soon as your plaque is ready to ship.

What's your mailing address? Phone number? Fax? Email?

League of Champions National Competition

Phone: 561-777-7587

Fax: 561-777-7585
