This photo and video order page is for INDIVIDUAL orders. Studio packages are available for all of your videos and/or photos if you have 10 or more purchasers. For studio package pricing or inquiries, please email video@halloffamedance.com, noting studio package in the subject line.
You may only purchase photos and videos if you have a registered dancer at the studio you are ordering from.
All orders are fulfilled via a Dropbox digital download link sent to the email you provide. If you want to purchase photos and videos on a USB flash drive, there is a $15 additional charge for the 16gb USB flash drive, shipping, and handling. There is no additional charge for digital downloads.
For the safety of your children and the protection of choreography, absolutely NO videotaping or photography is allowed at the competition. We will have a professional photographer and videographer at all of our events, and photographs and videos will be available for purchase.
Midwest Dance Authority
Central Illinois Dance - Elite Force
Pam’s Academy Of Dance
Midwest Dance Authority
Midwest Dance Authority
Pam’s Academy of Dance
Pam’s Academy of Dance
Pam’s Academy of Dance
(2002) Davenport, ia regionals
Open with your chosen player
June 27-july 1
July 3-8
July 3-9